Sunday, June 27, 2010




Sometimes we listen to others without SEEING for ourself. A False sense of reality is SHAPED and takes form, leaving us without BALANCE. My children could not learn to ride a bike unless they held onto the bars. We are all looking at people trying to ride bumpy trails. Mountain bilking in the desert is often treacherous, even for the EXPERIENCED.

We love to live the lives of others. The danger on the road is that we are not adapted to the terrain. We have no concept for the climb and rugged trail. We always give advice when we are not on the road. Designers know this better than most professionals. We have learned to balance OTHERS opinions and keep peddling.

Others wonder WHY CARE ABOUT THIS TINY PIECE OF REAL ESTATE - ISRAEL? Mary Ann you have so much to do, why bother? This clip put NEW TREAD on the MOUNTAIN BIKE! Amazing when family and friends question. Focus and determine to keep moving forward against all odds. We in AMERICA seem to be riding down a different bike path.

All focus this weekend in WASHINGTON is dividing the trail. We used to ride together. Now we seem to manage to push the OTHER off. Cycling used to be a sport we enjoyed together. Israel and America in the past even shared bikes. We were known to ride TANDUM. Now we are not on the same BIKE.

Don't you remember trying to ride together and the other was not balancing correctly? This called for a crash. We are tipping our points with ISRAEL and leaning on the wrong side. We are not even holding on to the handle bars correctly.

America - regain BALANCE . RIDE in the RACE for FREEDOM. LET go of WORLD VIEWS regarding ISRAEL. Look at what our FOUNDING FATHERS saw in the Bible,"he who BLESSES ISRAEL will be blessed". It would do us all well to experience the TRUTH THAT WILL ALLOW FREEDOM TO REIGN. G-d has a plan. He wants us to RIDE again with HIM. PRAYER WILL CHANGE A NATION.

May we BELIEVE TO SEE that we will be riding with HIM.

Monday, June 7, 2010


Smooth sailing cannot happen in any one's life without integrity. We have to have accurate facts. We must honestly discern "DANGER AHEAD". I know as a designer I cannot be swayed by pressure to make decisions. It is so important that we not "listen" to popular opinion. What really is at sake? The NATIONS are in an UPROAR. The waters are troubled and boats with passengers spewing HATE. So similar to the OIL SPILL. It KILLS everything it touches. We all want to advise.

It is so easy to make DECISIONS when we don't have to live with them ! It is like purchasing a sofa that your friend suggests. She is swayed by her tastes. She however, has no children and dogs. Her recommendation is a pale silk. You cave into pressure and "suggestion of the trends". She only visits your sofa. You live with it .

We need to remember to listen closely. The media loves to appeal to emotions. The power of persuasion helps influence decisions. How are the words conveying truth? What sea are we seeing? Truth will triumph over evil and a voice will be raised. The book of Psalms shouts loudly that we need to BE STILL AND KNOW THAT HE IS G-D. We are not sailing in the TROUBLED WATERS. We need to listen and PRAY. We will SEE what the ALMIGHTY will DO. HE WILL BE HONORED IN THE NATIONS!

There are so many articles on the FLOTILLA. I picked this one as another view. Everyone is QUICK to JUDGE and offer ADVISE. We never seem to weigh the facts and the "wear and tear" of our decisions. Words like purchases are costly. We often cannot take them back. Choose what you say wisely. There may be a NO RETURN POLICY! Make sure you are sailing in the SAME SEA, not the one you thought you SAW.