Wednesday, October 21, 2009



 A preview of " Corrie" performing. She appeared at CUFI Phoenix

   The music was alive.  Notes of HARMONY drifted through the air!  The stage was set for us to remember and pledge our solidarity with Israel.  We were in unison.  The Night to Honor Israel,,  opened with  Pastor Eddy Paul Morris who  orchestrated the event.   The venue was held in Phoenix Symphony Hall on Oct. 18.

   There was no better place to create a unified sound.  A  symphony indeed.  The dictionary says that this is when any HARMONY of sounds of any kind especially color exists: anything characterized by harmonious composition.  Full color displayed our intent to harmonize on our similarities as Christians and Jews.   When the Rabbi blew the shofar a  united sound for Israel reverberated.   Throughout the night we heard the words from AVOT 1:2---our world stood still as we heard the Torah, shared worship and deeds of loving kindness!  We were united.

   We were reminded through the dramatization of a “Righteous Gentile”, Corrie ten Boom, that we must not be silent.  The above  promo video was a fore taste to “Corrie” presented by Susie Sandager.   Her portrayal of this woman made it A NIGHT to REMEMBER.

   To know Susie is to love her and because of her heart I now write about Israel.  We started at her kitchen table more that 10 years ago wondering how we could bless Israel.  We decided the best way was to give our money.  We were Christians and did not know how to begin.   I was part of  the group she formed, Yad B’ Yad.  We had one agenda-  Love that does not require anything in return.  It was from this humble beginning that her heart to heal the wounds of “survivors” began.  Her simple faith in telling a story of a “Righteous Gentile” has astounded audiences worldwide.

For more information on Susie

   Our involvement with CUFI has enriched this circle.  We have seen the generosity of Pastor John Hagee’s vision .  CUFI’s generosity by  blessing and standing speaks volumes, especially at a time when others decline.   The money raised at these events goes for the Jewish Federation projects.   On my last trip to Israel I was a guest of the Federation to see where our local money went.   It was as though I traveled full circle.

   The night prepared our hearts through  strong contrasts. A standing ovation occurred as petite Helen Handler stood tall against any attempts that  deny what she endured as a child survivor! The evidence pierced through the Jewish heart, raising the reality that it still exists. !  And Susie’s dramatization of the life of one enduring the holocaust stirred Christians. It has been said that without faith, we are as stained glass windows in the dark.    Helen’s true colors shined bright!  TRUTH AWAKENS FRIENDS Jews and Christians alike applaud her love for her G-D!  BRAVO!!

   When Dennis Prager spoke he was like a mezzo-soprano!  He did not miss a note! He was the “pop” the  audience anticipated and much more!  He shared his heart.   The reality of his message strengthened hearts.  He was vulnerable and poignant.  As a Jew he addressed  Christians with stark reality the threat of another Holocaust.  Apprehension in the Jewish mind mistrusts the times and the hidden agendas of Christians.     As a Jew he struggles with the thought are they in it for me?   He speaks at these gatherings because he has seen the TRUTH.  He now can believe. We are CHRISTIANS UNITED FOR ISRAEL.  We will stand up and be counted!  The final song written by a ”Preacher’s daughter”, raised in an Orthodox Jewish neighborhood echoed the cry “Arise”! 

For more info on Dennis Prager..


   The musical score and arrangement was superb.  As a designer, the element that caught my attention was the use of CONTRAST.  This design element occurs with the use of many contrasting elements such as color, value, size etc.  The vibrant colors were   reflected in a variety of ways.  One way stood out - our responsibility to Stand with Israel.   Just as color or scale play a key part in bringing  a focal point to a room, we were “centered” on the point of the evening.  Israel you are not alone! The center of interest for the evening was highlighted by the great blend and “mix” of distinguished GUESTS.  The contrast and certainly the “pop” in the room brought music to my ears!  The tone and special mix of  speakers from distinguished Jewish and Christian communities highlighted  the evening. The  delightful contrasts balanced  the tone of the evening.  This is a sobering time. Our sound must be  heard.  Israel, never again will we not sing your song!  The back of the program resounds this truth .  “All the ends of the earth will see the salvation of our God.”  Is:52:8,10

   The final crescendo came as we each searched inside our souls.  What part will we  play?  Will we just hear the music or will we write the score so others will join  the song?   This symphony released a new sound.  The use of contrasts demonstrated what happens when two contrasting instruments play in harmony together.  Bravo!






Wednesday, October 14, 2009


      It is great when parents teach children about the past to build for their tomorrows.   When universities educate using this axiom societies flourish.  Look at this article and see for yourself.    If we deny pain we live with an open wound.   To confront it brings  HEALING.

                           THERE IS HOPE IN THIS ROOM!!! 

       Muslim Scholar Says Holocaust Denial a Case of "Tragic Gullibility"
Teresa Neumann (October 14, 2009)

"Perhaps in acknowledging that immense past of Jewish suffering … Muslims can help the Jewish community to understand the current Muslim pain in Palestine, Iraq and other places. In finding out about others, we encourage others to find out about us."

Holocaust death camp(Nashville, Tennessee)—Vanderbilt University's Holocaust Series is being held this month and will highlight lectures by survivors, historians and social scientists. The series is still relevant in today's world because Holocaust denial continues to impact entire people groups. As noted in The Tennessean, deniers of the Holocaust ignore thousands of detailed studies, eyewitness accounts and court testimony that attest to the genocidal killings by the Nazis during World War II. (

On the evidence, says reporter Ray Waddle, "The Holocaust denial game can't be won. It insults reality."

One of the speakers will be Muslim scholar Hamza Yusuf who says Holocaust denial is a case of tragic gullibility. Writing in The Best American Spiritual Writing 2008, Yusuf is quoted as saying historical facts become accepted as reliable because they are based on multiple sources of evidence, not conspiracy theories.

"We are all entitled to our own opinions," he writes, "but not to our own facts," adding that the motivation behind denial is simple: "In order to validate our own pain, we deny the pain of others."

Yusuf suggests that mutual acknowledgment of collective suffering is key to reconciliation and peace: "Perhaps in acknowledging that immense past of Jewish suffering … Muslims can help the Jewish community to understand the current Muslim pain in Palestine, Iraq and other places. In finding out about others, we encourage others to find out about us."

Source: Ray Waddle - The Tennessean

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Designed by HARMONY

      Christians as well as Jews also celebrate Succot seeing similarities between the Old Testament Festivals and New Testament Scriptural evidence that both Christ and the Apostles observed and taught these Holy Days to Early Christians, Jew and Gentile alike. Israel is annually invaded by tens of thousand of Christians - black and white  from all corners of the world - brought together in a spirit of joy and happiness and welcomed with great generosity and warmth by the Jewish people.

      The annual 12 kilometer walk through Jerusalem by 70000 Christians and Jews took place shortly after rioting on the Temple Mount by Moslems who had been incited to do so by Imams on the false claim that Jews intended to occupy the Temple Mount. They failed to deter the enthusiasm of the visitors or the local inhabitants - demonstrating once again a total disregard by Moslems for others and a blind faith to follow what their religious leaders commanded them to do - no matter how outlandish and improbable the incitement might be.  

 Christians and Jews march through Jerusalem during Succot

Israel was a hive of activity and the people were united as I have never seen them before.

      The above picture is Jews and Christians in a street in Jerusalem.  Now picture a room filled with all types of people.  The street outside is called Scottsdale. The place is the Jewish Community Center. The fall Arizona night’s atmosphere drifts inside.  Excitement hinges like the ending of a long hot summer.   Will the topic of why Christians support Israel bring harmony?  How can two faiths have anything in common?

      The Talmud gives a view of what I think took place last night.  “A person who seeks help for a friend, while needy himself, will be answered first”.   One such woman lived in Germany during WWII  on a quest to discover a hard question.  Could she come to grips with her own conscience and the heartache of God’s Chosen people.  Miss B.Schlink went about “changing the future by confronting the past” this was the title of the film that depicts her dream. Her legacy continues thru her Sisters and the organization she founded.  The Evangelical Sisterhood of Mary continues on in several nations.  Her legacy lives. The night to remember centered around the documentary we reviewed.  

      We saw in the film her life long dream fulfilled.  We faced the question can healing and reconciliation still be possible?  This night to remember was the result of one woman’s quest to find answers to a hard question.   Our response becomes the answer. 

       Let’s look at a design principle and gain understanding.   Harmony in a room’s décor triumphs thru just the right balance.  A sensitive eye knows when there is the right balance of variety.  Unity comes into play by using complementary colors.  You can paint a wall a bold orange and anchor it with a bright blue painting.

       Another way to identify harmony can be thru a common trait, theme or style like furniture.  I like to use this to unify the project.   It is interesting to choose furniture that complements  not competes.  I never try to match.  I want the room to look and feel like it belongs together even with a variety of furnishings.

       Ideologies like furniture can be different.   We found a common thread in the room.

       We all shared an alliance with Israel.  We all had wounds.  As Christians and Jews we experienced misinformation and misunderstanding.  Harmony came as we viewed forgiveness and repentance.  Could this be possible?


        Like in any room there will be different VIEWS.   We saw that in the presenters.     The diverse panel included a Nun a NY film producer, Rabbi, Pastor, and Israeli. The moderator of the evening set the tone as head of the ADL.  The documentary opened the evening changing hearts.   There was a blending  of views as questions reflected more than intellectual stimulus.  We saw and heard from our hearts.

       In a great design project harmony produces visual appeal.  This makes the room more interesting.  Last night this room of Christians and Jews produced HOPE.   It was very appealing!  My hope is for you to step inside this ROOM and see the VIEW!  



Tuesday, October 6, 2009

temporary dwelling place

  In the land of Israel this is a time of celebration at the FEASTS.  My last trip was at this time.  As an interior designer I was so taken be all the "temporary dwelling places".  They were brightly displayed  everywhere, on peoples balconies and backyards.  The Sukkot looks like a grass hut, festive meals are shared and family fun happens.  This is a season where the bounty of the Lord's faithfulness is expressed.  It is "a time of happiness".    The time to remember that the only safe dwelling place is in Him.  As the children wandered in the wilderness He was their canopy.  A protection from the storm.    
    The news showcases  disasters in the world.  Now everyone's homes are being swept away by  "natural storms".   We know that what we think will last for ever is often temporary.  Our tastes change, our houses move.  We  even decide to redo our space.  This is a time to reflect on what is lasting.  We must rethink what is important in life.  People matter and places change. Life inside our soul will continue to live if we make our shelter in the Lord.  Read proverbs 14:26 you will have undersanding on this subject.  It will bring confidence.
     Ask yourself these questions.   What does my dwelling place look like?  Where am I dwelling?  Am I maintaining a mansion or dwelling in a hut?  Who is dwelling in my space?  Is it time to make over my past by removing regret.      Re paint Hope this will  remain.  Pain will become a temporary dwelling place when you rearrange your  heart.   Faith in who our SOURCE is becomes our strength.   We must run inside to the SHELTER finding hope again. 

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Calm before the storm

   This is a photo of the Samoan shore before the storm.  The gentle breeze can be felt as you smell the salty air reminding you of the restful place on the beach.  A Vacation, a break from the routine.  Whenever I start a remodel or a room redesign I am reminded of calm before the storm.  When the project starts moving everything shifts.
    I usually start by boxing up all the accessories and removing the furniture and window coverings.  The space expands as I remove things.  This is so true in our heart.  I awakened with  a sense that I have to let go of some "things" in my own heart. 
   Have you ever thought of what occupies your personal space?  If we understand what SPACE is maybe we can gain insight.  Space is the area set aside for a particular function or use.  A kitchen is used for cooking and eating.   Length and width give a space two dimensions, like a wall or a floor.  Length, width,and height complete a ROOM or DWELLING!  
    When you look at the before picture of the peaceful beach it reminds me of a Bible verse in the New Testament in Eph. 3.  This talks about how we can have all have wisdom to comprehend how to make sense out of where we are headed when life is all messed up.  It talks of a SPACE where we are surrounded by the LOVE of GOD.  The whole inside space, length,width and height encompasses His great WISDOM and LOVE.  We can only pray for all the people that have lost their DWELLING PLACES.  May God grant them the eyesight to find the INSIDE  SECURE SPACE  when shambles are in FULL VIEW. 


     The Scottsdale building boom has been hit with a tseunami.  Everyone is scrambling to pick up the pieces.  The resources that seemed unlimited have depleted.  We are reviewing new strategies to make homes marketable.  Many people are buying properties and doing remodels.  Some of the fear of how we are going to adjust with the times is not comfortable.   We must take inventory and begin to build again.
     Our DWELLING places are definitely changing and rearranging.  We must not loose heart and work together to complete the project.  The article at bottom of page depicts the beauty of the Samoan people.  Their faith in God will pull this island together as they regain VISION and purpose for the future.  

       This picture of a room after the redo  gives us all a belief that there is an EXPECTED END in VIEW.  Hope deferred makes the heart sick, this is so true.  We must all build and work together and clear out the devastation of what happened in our past.  Our tomorrows can clear a path for our todays.  We must begin to dream and have FAITH AGAIN.  

Samoa is a deeply Christian country where Sunday church services are an integral part of life."

Samoa destruction(Lalomanu, Samoa)—The AP reports that Samoans gathered at churches en masse on Sunday to mourn victims of the recent tsunami. In American Samoa, residents were "set to hold a national prayer service that territorial Gov. Togiola Tulafono said would bring the community together. It was reportedly to be held at the headquarters of the Congregational Christian Church of American Samoa, the largest religious denomination in the U.S. territory." (AP Photo/Rick Bowmer) 

An APIA report noted that Samoa's Prime Minister Hon. Tuilaepa Lupesoliai Sailele Malielegaoi was "near tears" when he addressed his nation shortly after the tsunami hit. He reportedly ended his address by encouraging people to pray, especially Church leaders. According to the report, "Tuilaepa, in Chiefly language, acknowledged the power of nature and sought the blessings of God."

Some descriptions of the earthquake that preceded the tsunami defy the imagination. "It shook the whole place. It was like the earth was a bouncy ball," said one eye-witness Keisha Brown, to the New Zealand Herald. 

As reported in the Honolulu Advertiser, another eye-witness told his son, "Have you ever seen a mountain move?" 

Please keep the storm and tsunami ravaged Pacific Island nations in your prayers.

Source: Audrey McAvoy & Rod McGuirk - AP