This is a photo of the Samoan shore before the storm. The gentle breeze can be felt as you smell the salty air reminding you of the restful place on the beach. A Vacation, a break from the routine. Whenever I start a remodel or a room redesign I am reminded of calm before the storm. When the project starts moving everything shifts.
I usually start by boxing up all the accessories and removing the furniture and window coverings. The space expands as I remove things. This is so true in our heart. I awakened with a sense that I have to let go of some "things" in my own heart.
Have you ever thought of what occupies your personal space? If we understand what SPACE is maybe we can gain insight. Space is the area set aside for a particular function or use. A kitchen is used for cooking and eating. Length and width give a space two dimensions, like a wall or a floor. Length, width,and height complete a ROOM or DWELLING!
When you look at the before picture of the peaceful beach it reminds me of a Bible verse in the New Testament in Eph. 3. This talks about how we can have all have wisdom to comprehend how to make sense out of where we are headed when life is all messed up. It talks of a SPACE where we are surrounded by the LOVE of GOD. The whole inside space, length,width and height encompasses His great WISDOM and LOVE. We can only pray for all the people that have lost their DWELLING PLACES. May God grant them the eyesight to find the INSIDE SECURE SPACE when shambles are in FULL VIEW.
The Scottsdale building boom has been hit with a tseunami. Everyone is scrambling to pick up the pieces. The resources that seemed unlimited have depleted. We are reviewing new strategies to make homes marketable. Many people are buying properties and doing remodels. Some of the fear of how we are going to adjust with the times is not comfortable. We must take inventory and begin to build again.
Our DWELLING places are definitely changing and rearranging. We must not loose heart and work together to complete the project. The article at bottom of page depicts the beauty of the Samoan people. Their faith in God will pull this island together as they regain VISION and purpose for the future.
This picture of a room after the redo gives us all a belief that there is an EXPECTED END in VIEW. Hope deferred makes the heart sick, this is so true. We must all build and work together and clear out the devastation of what happened in our past. Our tomorrows can clear a path for our todays. We must begin to dream and have FAITH AGAIN.
Samoa is a deeply Christian country where Sunday church services are an integral part of life."
(Lalomanu, Samoa)—The AP reports that Samoans gathered at churches en masse on Sunday to mourn victims of the recent tsunami. In American Samoa, residents were "set to hold a national prayer service that territorial Gov. Togiola Tulafono said would bring the community together. It was reportedly to be held at the headquarters of the Congregational Christian Church of American Samoa, the largest religious denomination in the U.S. territory." (AP Photo/Rick Bowmer)
An APIA report noted that Samoa's Prime Minister Hon. Tuilaepa Lupesoliai Sailele Malielegaoi was "near tears" when he addressed his nation shortly after the tsunami hit. He reportedly ended his address by encouraging people to pray, especially Church leaders. According to the report, "Tuilaepa, in Chiefly language, acknowledged the power of nature and sought the blessings of God."
Some descriptions of the earthquake that preceded the tsunami defy the imagination. "It shook the whole place. It was like the earth was a bouncy ball," said one eye-witness Keisha Brown, to the New Zealand Herald.
As reported in the Honolulu Advertiser, another eye-witness told his son, "Have you ever seen a mountain move?"
Please keep the storm and tsunami ravaged Pacific Island nations in your prayers.
Source: Audrey McAvoy & Rod McGuirk - AP
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