Wednesday, October 14, 2009

1 comment:

  1. Succot in Scottsdale! Excellent! I wish I could've been there! In fact Pastor Beni Johnson led a celebration at a temporary shelter just outside the Prayer Chapel at Bethel Church. However, I was dissapointed that I had to work that evening!

    I love what you said here - "...It is interesting to choose furniture that complements not competes. I never try to match. I want the room to look and feel like it belongs together even with a variety of furnishings..."
    This is my philosophy too! "...Red and yellow, black and white, they are precious in His sight Yeshua loved all the children of the world...." And we're *all* His children!

    I want to travel the world - tell everyone about Jesus, and bring back stories and objet d' art that will remind me of what God did and where He did it! I love anthropology (studying human cultures) and want to use that theme as the basis for the design of "the Castle of The Kingdom". There was an open house today. I spoke with the broker who is representing the mortgage firm who wants to sell. They have come down about $250k (to ask approximately $400k) in just over a year! God is up to something good. I need to know His plan, and find people who will work alongside me in this vision - "Hospitality for the Sojourners". It is difficult to leave home and live in a foreign country for months at a time (quite costly too!) but it can be made easier by providing NICE dorm style housing for the International Students at Bethel's Supernatural School of Minsitry - at a good price. The "Castle of The Kingdom" is the first step in the vision I have for providing this hospitality for our international brothers and sisters. This year we have 350 international students! And this number continues to grow each year!
    Mary Ann - I'm so pleased that you and I are friends!
