Saturday, November 26, 2011



Jeremy with his son Cole Pic 2 Max 18 and Cole 10 months Pic 3 Cole...Mimi's BOYS!

It has been such fun to have crumbs and sippie cups and little grand boys under toe! This has truly been a Thanksgiving to remember. Now it is time to put out the mistletoe even though the decor changes with each passing season the sweet memories linger. Never mind the unswept floors, laundry and all the leftovers. While people are swept in a shopping freenzy I am choosing to linger a little longer.
As I kissed my youngest 10 month old good bye as he bundled up to get ready for an early flight to San Franscico it made me remember tucking in my son soon to be 32 in a few days. Where did the time go? We were running off to soccer and football and packing for college. Seems like the only room I remember decorating was the nursery, the next years time was spent cleaning and sorting, in fact I cannot honestly remember the color or even the furniture in his room, the smell of football uniforms still remains! And now all I remember is the precious smile that framed his face and looks so much like little Cole.
This brought back the first time he caught my eyes with the sparkle that said "I love you mommy" and we connected. Now, as Mimi I assume another role to see things differently than before. My eye for design always catches the unusual. The unusual caught my heart. I saw the interior of my son light up. His eyes attached to the smile of his son. The attraction was mutual. They hit the "sweet spot". Both corners of their mouths lovingly curled. My heart melted with the interplay of emotions. This explains why a room takes on so many directions and often one color interplays against another giving it the strength to remain. Love is that way.

All of a sudden it did not matter to me the frustrations of the week before and the misunderstandings that Jeremy and I had had over the years. Wasted words and frayed emotions steal our sleep. This holiday truly was a time to give THANKS. Never mind how having a fussy, sick baby is exhausting. Even though Cole's nose was runny he never stopped smiling, that was enough to make us forget his cries. This reminds me of the color of paint for my bathroom. It was a designers migraine. I have been so frustrated with three different colors and purchases of paint. Like harsh words they are costly. If only we could paint over them like my bathroom. I finally 'let go" of worrying about the color and asked my painter to bring over some left overpaint. I would choose from his overages. I selected a subtle grey taupe. It was perfect. I let go of expectations.

This Thanksgiving I wanted to serve my family. There were moments when I was reluctant. I kept letting go and allowing love to lead. I watched each glass clanging as we toasted and lovingly waited for each child's warm response. Even the hurtful moment with Jeremy, like Cole's crying vanished when I heard his warm remarks. As I kept observing his reaction to his own son my own misunderstood feelings dissolved. I now understood how fierce his love and care for his son was. Like I told him LOVE ALWAYS WINS.
My mother heart yearns to always restore and strengthen the foundation of our relationship. Honor mixed with love will be the winning touchdown. This is something I want him to teach his son. This builds a secure family. If there is anything I have learned in a design process there are NO short cuts. You will always pay more later. I often tried to patch up a hurt when more preparation was required. Because of fear inside me from a fractured marriage. I often tried to do a quick fix instead of a lasting repair. I needed to expose the pain before trying to cover it up. We try to plaster our way over the rough spots in life when we really need to examine the size of the crack.
This week seeing my son look into his precious Cole's eyes was a delight. There bonding is deep. There love and compassion will increase. My hope is they will not take short cuts in their relationship and plan their course. We spend so much time planning our rooms, purchasing the furniture and collecting. If only we spent as much time, money and energy in our family building skills. What we own, store and collect is never as important as the time we spend looking into the eyes of a child and encouraging them in their development.
Over the years most of my collecting has been showing up beneath the dust, tucked inside unopened boxes in the garage. The last two months I have been sorting, giving and hoping the kids would want some of the treasures I so neatly and secuely stored. I even found a trophy with the head off, not sure which kid that belonged to but it finally hit the trash. My eyes have been opened. I am thankfully letting go. My heart is filled with expectation.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Doors and Windows

Architectural details: Holmsted Manor, outside West London

Have you ever noticed all the different styles in architectural elements? Doors and windows always captivate my imagination . Who lived here? What is behind the darkened panes? Noticing the substantial hewn frames and often refined woodwork entices the senses to savor more. Recent travel to Israel and London in June heightened these taste buds. Sights kept widening my view. I wanted to see, touch, and taste all the architectural elements. Time etches a myriad of organic patterns that fascinate the eye.

When looking through the eye of a camera lens one finds a focal point. As the pictures are reviewed we either delete or save. A trip away always reinforces what we know. For me what the Bible says in Romans about all things working together for our good because He LOVES us kept me going. His LOVE remained my center of attention. Every day was not filled with sunshine but there was always a new point of interest. As I touched and felt the history and researched what was behind the closed doors and gates, a new sense of purpose was formed.

Looking thru gate to King David Hotel Jerusalem

The trip was not only a new experience to assist in a film project(Israel) but also "sourcing" for the newly forming non profit, come and re-aligning with YWAM London. For you not in the DESIGN world, we are always "sourcing" new materials and compiling our vendors for new projects. Discovery of wonderful products leads to innovative ways to change an environment. I always enjoy when the publications come to my desk- it seems to get creativity moving. One just arrived, got me thinking..

Are you always looking for ways to access change? Change is constant. I met a wonderful writer in London Christen Forester, in his book THE SUPRA-NATURAL LIFE, he wrote some things that changed me. His thoughts on our pasts strengthened me. He said they cannot be erased; however, they can re-shape our history. He refers to how "our soul carries our story".

Starting to open the closed heavy doors to my marred past caused me to re-claim the wood to re-use. If one woman can open a new door of hope and look thru spotless glass to her bright future, then late nights wondering and uncertain days will turn to good. Without faith, it would be impossible. Without hope it would be unbearable, but with HIM it has been foreseeably possible. So glad it has been said "you have a prophetic eye". Eagle sight soars. G-d's gifts create insight, leading to foresight avoiding hindsight. In the case of exploited women, keen perception is necessary because there are unfortunately no beautiful magazines to "source".

Design is a natural. In this new project I must rely on the supra-natural. The doors are opening and there are ones yet to be closed. We must remember not all closed doors are forever. It was once said "where there is a closed door there is always an open window".
Hiding in the past of exploited women caught in sexual slavery there is always more to untie. It is like peering through a GLASS DARKLY tied together with wire. Like abandoned buildings often the glass is broken and dirty. One touching story unraveled in my London connections, one of many.
This led me to believe that there is much more to dig up in the graveyard of the past. Lest HISTORY repeat itself we must learn how to be the solution. The pictures saved in my mind are the ones that tell this story. What develops will only be met with more open and closed doors and I am sure darkened, damp windows. If we can COME CREATE CHANGE that frees one woman bolted behind closed doors, then history will be rewritten.
The doors keep opening and connections are unfolding for an art venue in London. This exhibit prior to the Olympics would raise awareness and funding for existing organizations who already open their doors to sexually exploited women. Will you believe with me that dreams will come true. It is time to open doors and windows and let the LIGHT shine. We will re-claim ancient pathways. Open wide the doorways of your hearts!
Commonwealth Buildings London Christies art auction 6-28-11

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

personal discovery

As co-founders we believe all creativity is G-d given and within the fabric of a women's soul and when discovered it becomes a motivating force to fulfill life purpose. Passion has pushed us into purpose. We women give life. We are carriers for greatness. We believe in lasting cross generational legacies. As a mother, daughter team we expect to learn as much as we impart.
Our creative assignments have knit us together. Our different world views have strengthened our friendships and balanced our sight. We share career dreams and have even worked together in my interior design company. We both have taught art to children and are constantly learning from them "how to create". Our artists inspire us. Vision compels us. Our canvas is the world and we have no favorite color. We want to depict colors that portray a womans' heart. We believe we have a G-d idea. May this idea incubate and create new streams of thought and action.
Our education is not as important as the life lessons. We both have studied at the University of the Nations and consider Youth with a Mission vital to our DNA. However I have a B.A. in art with graduate classes and am even an ordained minister. I refer to myself as the "minister of the interior". We have both travelled the world studying and observing . Joy has completed courses in design, photography and now completing her degree in film. 20/20 vision drives us to continue our search to see a solution for social injustice.

Life is a discovery. Let life discover you. Uncover potential.

Mary Ann Hopkins and Joy Hopkins

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Contagious Creativity

COME contagious creativity
Come Create with us. We believe creativity is contagious. We expose women to creative ideas that paint themselves out of the dark corner of their world of INJUSTICE through education and contagious love by connecting women to women who will offer HOPE and practical assistance.
With our creative endeavors and special artistic workshops, women will display their corner of the world through art. This traveling art exhibit will release a SOUND as well as sight. EMPOWERMENT will come as corporations and Nations listen. Our VOICE becomes louder as we are one. We will partner with existing organizations that are active in women's advocacy. Our target will be to identify women at risk, those exploited through sex and trafficking caught in gender and domestic violence on a daily basis.
We want creative expression to be realized and dignity restored. Just like job training skills are often learned more readily on location, we too believe this collaborative effort will generate new courage for women to face their fears. Inspiration will come as they listen,laugh,and share their story with other women on the team. Our artists will be a springboard for imagination. Art, like confidence, is more often caught than taught.
Listen. Learn. Link. We want to identify the needs, connect and link the women at risk with other NGO's for practical assistance in their area of expertise and lend creative ideas that stimulate new job opportunities.

Friday, March 11, 2011



an oasis for women seeking HOPE







A single woman with 2 small babies, left penniless and a husband in prison and nowhere to turn- what can she do? That was me 28 years ago. The RESOUCES of HEAVEN opened and the greatest TREASURY of CREATIVE IDEAS erupted. As I waited, a WELL SPRING of HOPE surfaced! Further inspiration and help from other women encouraged me that I could live out my dream. I literally painted my way out of a black corner. A successful Interior Design company was launched after years of creative discovery and job opportunities of serving others. The focus and desire of SPRINGS is to be a resource and “water spring for dry women, withered and bent under life situations, and to offer an atmosphere where solutions to life’s hard problems, the cracks in the walls of hearts are fixed”.* My utmost desire is to be able to generate creative ideas with a traveling art exhibit that will create injustice awareness and new jobs.

*excerpts from the Bible Is.58:11-12

Thursday, March 10, 2011

internation women's day!

So excited as I launch SPRINGS, a non profit for women. ( follow upcoming blogs to learn more) Yesterday, I got the unction to start. Who would know it was International Day for Women, love those nudges!! I know my CREATIVE efforts will be a bridge to enable women to get to the other side. As a designer I can SEE the BIG PICTURE. This will take lots of connecting and resources from women on the FRONTLINE. I just attended a conference with women from the nations becoming a voice for the voiceless. This shouted loud, "now is the time. " It is of utmost importance to clearly announce freedom. HOPE for a better future comes when we point the way. I may go to London this summer. Share the excitement in this announcement. (See related article below)

My son in law is from Germany, thrilled that this nation took the lead 1oo years ago. (read the following article) Susie Childers from YWAM, by the way is a German started an organization called VOICE TO THE VOICELESS. She vividly captures the heart of hurting women in the world thru a camera lens. I hope to connect you to her treasures. They are rare finds. The Springs project is a little different than most of my design career. I always was in search for the right piece to awaken the room. Now my quest is to find the particular women's organizations and help them thru a creative endeavor be remembered . My client's always remarked how I made a room come to life. Usually an overlooked treasure in a shopping expedition would win my heart and give life back to an ordinary room. True love for a designer. My heart's desire is to find True Love and make her recognized. The procurement will be costly, one life at a time. I intend to fill hearts, not homes with love that lasts. Love does not get stale or fade. Style depicts a trend. Love is a trend that adds style. We can set Trends. Wait and see how using mixed media and good design in a women's creative workshop will become a TREND SETTER. We will partner with women philanthropists and professional artists. As the art projects grow it will be our greatest pleasure to have an exhibit and auction of the designs and art projects.

I will be most excited to share my daughter's pictures she took in Egypt. She was a young woman on a mission, we will be in search of more photography to tell the story. Pictures speak volumes. We will proclaim the GOOD NEWS. Springs will be an oasis for women seeking HOPE. The Mid East will awaken to love. We will see how women who stand and fight for freedom will have creative expression. Get a taste of women in the below article caught in terrible bondage who will come out to the other side. We will exhibit their crossing. Believe with us.

Sunday, February 13, 2011


Every Thursday The Historical Society of Kona sells 'fresh' Bread at the Greenwell Coffee Farm.

Across the road on any given Thursday from Kings Mansion you can smell the aroma of fresh baked bread. It is made by members of the Historical society and tempts many a visitor. We were tempted. We stopped. Savoring the taste of the fresh bread, old Hawaii came alive in us. We realized we had been caught in the whirlwind of renovation. We needed SELAH TIME. In between bites we began to muse about the many unfinished rooms.

Come inside one of the rooms at KINGS. There is a chair marked GRACE, one "not now”, over there a pillow, like ideas tossed to the floor and picked up later with "new intention”. Here is an unfinished area. Try to imagine walking through. You will get there if you keep your eyes focused on where you are headed. Please do not open that door - that is "unfinished business”.
You must keep on this home tour with me. Do not enter the "taped off" areas. The tape is keeping people from the yet- to- be- imagined kitchen. Can you fantasize with me the smell of a roast cooking for arriving dignitaries? Permits were in place to complete the kitchen. Yet when we arrived in Kona we reacquainted ourselves with God's timing and resources.
We all can understand rooms marked ”delay”. Our visions must not get stale. We must savor the aroma of hot bread. Our time with Jesus tells us to “taste and see how good He is” even when we have no remembrance of hot bread. Our satisfaction must come from the belief that what he whispered to us before we bought the ingredients to make the bread will remain fresh. He never gives us too much at one time so we will not over eat. I love the way He tells us just what we need for the day. Manna. My mind is always racing to a new project and I forget I have unbaked bread. We need to complete what He has set before us. Is your bread in the heavenly oven? As psalm 37 says"keep delighting yourself in HIM and HE will give you the DESIRES of your heart".

Explore. Dream. Discover

HISTORY always has a way of repeating itself. When you look at the Kings Mansion history prior to the purchase by YWAM in 1977 you can almost see a parallel. Mr Henry Greenwell left his English shores in 1867 with a big dream. He was in search of a cure for the "orange blight"; instead he found his bride. His dream lead to his destiny - in 1870 he put Kona coffee on the map. One historian said "his knowledge of the world gave him the confidence to expand beyond Hawaii". He was a cattle baron and a Kona coffee plantation owner. The Greenwell motto was VIRESCO - "I grow greener, I flourish".

When Henry came to Hawaii in 1866 there were only 39 foreigners. Mark Twain lived in Kona then and was surprised at the lack of Protestant missionaries.

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." - Mark Twain

Look at the rebirth of MISSIONS now in Hawaii.

The Hawaiian Islands were destined for GOD's GREATNESS. Loren Cunningham founded YWAM on the premise "TO KNOW GOD AND MAKE HIM KNOWN". He spent a life of integrity pursing this dream.

Missionaries came to Kona

I find it interesting to compare both the Greenwells founder to Ywam's founder. In the Greenwell historical notes it read: "He respected all peoples regardless of their ethnicity. He was morally and financially upright. He was hospitable. The land was important to him. The Christian Principles were the foundation of his integrity. He nurtured strong women in his family."

Loren Cunningham shares many of the same values and similarities. They are both pioneers. He planted a university not coffee. Loren was a trailblazer in missions like the Greenwells were in settling Hawaii. Think about when Elizabeth Greenwell arrived. There were only 4 other white people. She had to make the most of her creativity, not unlike Darlene Cunningham who always made the most of new situations thru her ingenuity. Warm hospitality graced both these wives. The character of their spirits remained in their homes.

Cattle,Coffee and Farming

Loren and Darlene have been in places where they felt as though they were the only ones who shared their love for JESUS. They were constantly looking for ways to expand their lands, not cattle but sending young people into new territories. He started YWAM with a dream . He saw his dreams take root as the organization flourished after its founding in 1960. He started with a dream seeing waves of young people covering the earth…with over 1300 locations for YWAM at present this dream has become reality.

We all get an opportunity to set sail for a new land. Our undiscovered field may be waiting. So many great men and women are writing books on their dreams. Let this little journal launch you into believing and seeing your rooms come alive and imagine holding meetings for great men. We can purposefully live out or aimlessly throw darts at our dreams. Where are you aiming? As we define our dreams, ideas…. we can invite our guests to sit in our rooms filled with people shaping history. Loren and Dr Bill Bright both shared the seven spheres from such a "listening moment" which has invaded our day. Christian teachers share about the need to take the 7 mountains of society worldwide. The mindset of the KINGDOM of God has expanded beyond Church walls.

What walls are restricting your creative flow? Movements change communities. Hearts are changed. Come inside and see what you will find. Use Loren's vision keys to fill your rooms. Explore new rooms, dream new colors that will lead to brilliant discovery.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Cornelia and Theo Eggenberg are a wonderful Swiss family we met while visiting the dolphins at Kealakekua Bay. As it turns out they were the last class to do their DTS at KINGS MANSION. We invited them to take a "look" at the project. They shared their story of how their lives were transformed while in the school and are still connected with building the KINGDOM while they are living in Redding, California.

As we walk down memory lane it was so rewarding to hear how many lives were impacted thru the schools at KINGS. Dave Gustaveson had tremendous vision as he taught nearly 80 schools and trained nearly 140 leaders. The worldwide schools producing leaders leave a valuable legacy for KINGS and the unfinished visions still to be seen. Many leaders will still gather here to pray, formulate ideas and change nations.

Many weddings and wonderful events took place on the grounds. Imagine how many more memories will be made. Libby Goehner shared one "fairy tale" wedding of Debbie Musick nearly 30 years ago where the very long wedding cake started to melt. The bride kept smiling and the festivities continued to melt hearts together. She also said that she had worked on various other gatherings that involved the community. They hosted an art gallery on the second floor in 2000. So many dreams were made and will continue to have happy endings!

The undergirding message in all the stories was how much love and family time was shared on the large lanai. The Greenwell's would have been right at home creating fun family times and making memories . The sunsets were unparalled; the rain never dampened a gathering.

At the GLC meetings after the Fiftieth celebration the barbeque went on as the food was still served on the covered lanai. The rain continued, but the guests were amply served and enjoyed the change. Hospitality continued in spite of a shift in barometric atmospheric conditions. The hearts and stomachs were satisfied. One of the greatest attributes this home carries within its bones is the gracious way it welcomes home her guests!

I find it heart warming to have discovered that Darlene Cunningham in 1972 answered the "call" to YWAM HOSIPTALITY. The home was not purchased until 1977 but learning to serve with "graciousness" has never left. Like Darlene, hospitality was a common thread in the former owner Elizabeth Greenwell. It was woven throughout both their lives and into the lives of Darlene's children, many YWAMer's! Here is another story recently from Debbie Rettier who was trained in Switzerland to work side by side Darlene in hospitality and still serves ." It is a priviledge to host at KINGS MANSION! Loren loves meetings at KINGS! I was given the challenge durning the remodeling to host meals for our advisory board and the President's gathering. Realizing there was no water I had to use a new basket I brought along. We used hand wipes, t.p., cloths and coolers of ice, make it a special time. In the midst of lumr, construction tools, we had delightful meals with incredible rich fellowship. God showed up. Can't wait until KINGS will be completely restored physically and spiritually."

As you see memories can be made when our rooms are not quite adequate. There will always be room for improvement. We will always have an unfinished place. The important thing to remember is to never stop dreaming and believing. We must realize potential in others. We must make room to invite guests to share with our yet to be completed dreams and visions. We can pray together, break bread together and continue to grow and GO from these unfinished spaces!

Sunday, January 9, 2011


I love to have dreams come true. As a woman who prays I have seen many answers to my dreams. That is why I love to journal. We can recount the heartfelt answers. We can encourage one another as we record our mile markers.

We must still believe even when logic and medical opinion contradicts. One such dream happened yesterday as our son Jeremy and his wife gave birth to Cole Thomas. There is nothing too difficult when prayer and faith in a wonderful G-d collide. ONLY one word and all creation was formed. Let your prayers create rooms where faith, hope and love reside.

We need to pray until something happens. Our church is starting this new prayer initiative called P.U.S.H. Never get too tired that you quit. What in your room needs a PUSH? I always get help to move furniture I just ask. Do you need to rearrange your room? Is your view blocked and the color dim? Your room can take on new life.

A new YEAR, a new grandson I am determined to complete what is set before me, I will pray and jot down the ideas while in "listening prayer", wait until I "see" the dream unfold. Loren Cunningham founder of YWAM expanded on this in a wonderful teaching. He lives his dreams. Vision continues to occupy his space. Will you try and journal using this simple process? First pray, then jot down ideas record your dreams and turn these into movements that will impact communities and individuals. You will create your own rooms of vision.