Cornelia and Theo Eggenberg are a wonderful Swiss family we met while visiting the dolphins at Kealakekua Bay. As it turns out they were the last class to do their DTS at KINGS MANSION. We invited them to take a "look" at the project. They shared their story of how their lives were transformed while in the school and are still connected with building the KINGDOM while they are living in Redding, California.
As we walk down memory lane it was so rewarding to hear how many lives were impacted thru the schools at KINGS. Dave Gustaveson had tremendous vision as he taught nearly 80 schools and trained nearly 140 leaders. The worldwide schools producing leaders leave a valuable legacy for KINGS and the unfinished visions still to be seen. Many leaders will still gather here to pray, formulate ideas and change nations.
Many weddings and wonderful events took place on the grounds. Imagine how many more memories will be made. Libby Goehner shared one "fairy tale" wedding of Debbie Musick nearly 30 years ago where the very long wedding cake started to melt. The bride kept smiling and the festivities continued to melt hearts together. She also said that she had worked on various other gatherings that involved the community. They hosted an art gallery on the second floor in 2000. So many dreams were made and will continue to have happy endings!
The undergirding message in all the stories was how much love and family time was shared on the large lanai. The Greenwell's would have been right at home creating fun family times and making memories . The sunsets were unparalled; the rain never dampened a gathering.
At the GLC meetings after the Fiftieth celebration the barbeque went on as the food was still served on the covered lanai. The rain continued, but the guests were amply served and enjoyed the change. Hospitality continued in spite of a shift in barometric atmospheric conditions. The hearts and stomachs were satisfied. One of the greatest attributes this home carries within its bones is the gracious way it welcomes home her guests!
I find it heart warming to have discovered that Darlene Cunningham in 1972 answered the "call" to YWAM HOSIPTALITY. The home was not purchased until 1977 but learning to serve with "graciousness" has never left. Like Darlene, hospitality was a common thread in the former owner Elizabeth Greenwell. It was woven throughout both their lives and into the lives of Darlene's children, many YWAMer's! Here is another story recently from Debbie Rettier who was trained in Switzerland to work side by side Darlene in hospitality and still serves ." It is a priviledge to host at KINGS MANSION! Loren loves meetings at KINGS! I was given the challenge durning the remodeling to host meals for our advisory board and the President's gathering. Realizing there was no water I had to use a new basket I brought along. We used hand wipes, t.p., cloths and coolers of ice, etc...to make it a special time. In the midst of lumr, construction tools, we had delightful meals with incredible rich fellowship. God showed up. Can't wait until KINGS will be completely restored physically and spiritually."
As you see memories can be made when our rooms are not quite adequate. There will always be room for improvement. We will always have an unfinished place. The important thing to remember is to never stop dreaming and believing. We must realize potential in others. We must make room to invite guests to share with our yet to be completed dreams and visions. We can pray together, break bread together and continue to grow and GO from these unfinished spaces!