Sunday, September 20, 2009

New Begining

   We celebrated the Jewish New Year 5770 this  past Sept.18.  We get to start over.  A new beginning to restore hope and build character with the KING!   This is a time to start seeing things differently.  It is a time to take inventory of our hearts and see where we are going.  I like to use this time to check out what is on the inside of  "my space".  Motives move me in a certain direction.   Where I place them affects the view.    The room gets congested when I crowd everything in a corner.  Where I place accessories like regret highlight features in my room. 
 Will I disguise guilt and make everyone feel responsible for my mistakes?   Past mistakes limit my ability to see clearly.  A room can always shift direction by moving furniture.    When pride surfaces, pain hides.  I always know when I have a glaring piece of furniture  staring at me.   It is easy to move furniture.  The hard part is to know proper placement.  
       I have been thinking about all the missed opportunities.  We can never think it is too late to re-arrange our view.  I am still praying that we will understand how to face our future in the LIGHT of day.   I have had to make things right.  This next week may we keep Israel in view.           We must stand by the covenant given to Abraham.  Many Americans do not think it necessary to see this way.  There is too much noise in the room.  We must be still and know that He is G-D and listen to HIS VOICE.  Let us pray for our President for September 25 regarding the LAND.   We should not be so quick to throw out all the furniture.   
   Decisions I have made based on presumption instead of a sure word cost me.  Gain for approval  by man always rates lower than expected.  Just because I want to be accepted does not assure popularity.     
   New beginnings start when I change my view.  A world view changes when it gets G-D'S view. May we really take time to SEE what is at stake.  Shalom

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