Love to look into the Hebrew year as it approaches and read what others are saying we can expect. One Jewish scholar said this will be a year where 771 is the multiple of 3! I have been seeing and saying 333 for months. The bible verse Jer. 33:3 leaps. It's actually been seen so many times, often written on people's heart. One time I met a girl from Japan while hiking the vortex in Sedona who I was able to share G-d's love. Let me share how this happened. I realized her hesitation to talk with a stranger. I even wrote about this G-d collide in a previous blog. We chatted before I asked her a question that changed her life. I saw so clearly the numbers 333 over her heart. I asked if this means anything to you? It was her exact age, 33 and ,wow, the thrill on her face to know that someone loved her. So fun to know I was on track with my running shoes laced. I am so ready to start afresh and finish strong. Anticipation sets in as we prepare to see what awesome and awe inspiring triple blessings are on our hike. I know I am going to be like the deer that pants for water in Ps42 awaiting the Messiah's return! I am so thirsty for a drink of the fresh water.
Summer is still upon us in arid Arizona. The last 2 days of August we knew we must clear our warehouse. We entered the racks of furniture spilling with plants and accessories. We sensed urgency and cleared, moved, and gave so much to wonderful people in need. We are in the PEACE PROCESS. We will make way for change.
Wow the meaning of PROCESS, to get things moving! We certainly have begun and like the Mideast talks often it is the PROCESS that seems to get in the way of PEACE. We are learning that when we hear "do it now," we will! The accumulation of 8 years in the staging business had caused our barn to burst. We found a verse in Proverbs 24:27 that week that stirred us to the timing of NOW. It said that do not build barns before there are fields. The scorching recession had withered our crop, our field was no more. This brought back to memory how we started with a simple word TRUST. We had no furniture, no barn but a very fertile field. So we planted and watered and built a barn in fact 3 of them! A sense of sadness emerged mixed with glee as we are letting go. We are now free to plant in a different field. Now we're going to walk in a new field of FAITH. I know we will have triple blessings. I got so excited with that word because I always listen up when the 3 thing occurs. I know it is time to move. READY, SET, GO...
I have been documenting my dreams over the years and I know this will be an inspiring year. What I see will come alive. They will no longer be scribbles in my journal. The business of INTERIORS is bursting inside. You will see the MINISTRY OF THE INTERIOR EXPLODE. Mark it this will be a year when DIVINE AID is in everything I do! New avenues of creativity will SPRING forth as I lay down the thought PROCESS with the "how will I" achieve them. THE AWESOME G-D that lives inside me will make a way. His AWE-INSPIRING ways will direct. I wish for you an awesome triple blessing ROSH HASHANAH!
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