A preview of " Corrie" performing. She appeared at CUFI Phoenix
The music was alive. Notes of HARMONY drifted through the air! The stage was set for us to remember and pledge our solidarity with Israel. We were in unison. The Night to Honor Israel, CUFI.org., opened with Pastor Eddy Paul Morris who orchestrated the event. The venue was held in Phoenix Symphony Hall on Oct. 18.
There was no better place to create a unified sound. A symphony indeed. The dictionary says that this is when any HARMONY of sounds of any kind especially color exists: anything characterized by harmonious composition. Full color displayed our intent to harmonize on our similarities as Christians and Jews. When the Rabbi blew the shofar a united sound for Israel reverberated. Throughout the night we heard the words from AVOT 1:2---our world stood still as we heard the Torah, shared worship and deeds of loving kindness! We were united.
We were reminded through the dramatization of a “Righteous Gentile”, Corrie ten Boom, that we must not be silent. The above promo video was a fore taste to “Corrie” presented by Susie Sandager. Her portrayal of this woman made it A NIGHT to REMEMBER.
To know Susie is to love her and because of her heart I now write about Israel. We started at her kitchen table more that 10 years ago wondering how we could bless Israel. We decided the best way was to give our money. We were Christians and did not know how to begin. I was part of the group she formed, Yad B’ Yad. We had one agenda- Love that does not require anything in return. It was from this humble beginning that her heart to heal the wounds of “survivors” began. Her simple faith in telling a story of a “Righteous Gentile” has astounded audiences worldwide.
For more information on Susie www.SandagerPresentations.com
Our involvement with CUFI has enriched this circle. We have seen the generosity of Pastor John Hagee’s vision . CUFI’s generosity by blessing and standing speaks volumes, especially at a time when others decline. The money raised at these events goes for the Jewish Federation projects. On my last trip to Israel I was a guest of the Federation to see where our local money went. It was as though I traveled full circle.
The night prepared our hearts through strong contrasts. A standing ovation occurred as petite Helen Handler stood tall against any attempts that deny what she endured as a child survivor! The evidence pierced through the Jewish heart, raising the reality that it still exists. ! And Susie’s dramatization of the life of one enduring the holocaust stirred Christians. It has been said that without faith, we are as stained glass windows in the dark. Helen’s true colors shined bright! TRUTH AWAKENS FRIENDS Jews and Christians alike applaud her love for her G-D! BRAVO!!
When Dennis Prager spoke he was like a mezzo-soprano! He did not miss a note! He was the “pop” the audience anticipated and much more! He shared his heart. The reality of his message strengthened hearts. He was vulnerable and poignant. As a Jew he addressed Christians with stark reality the threat of another Holocaust. Apprehension in the Jewish mind mistrusts the times and the hidden agendas of Christians. As a Jew he struggles with the thought are they in it for me? He speaks at these gatherings because he has seen the TRUTH. He now can believe. We are CHRISTIANS UNITED FOR ISRAEL. We will stand up and be counted! The final song written by a ”Preacher’s daughter”, raised in an Orthodox Jewish neighborhood echoed the cry “Arise”!
For more info on Dennis Prager.. http://www.dennisprager.com/
The musical score and arrangement was superb. As a designer, the element that caught my attention was the use of CONTRAST. This design element occurs with the use of many contrasting elements such as color, value, size etc. The vibrant colors were reflected in a variety of ways. One way stood out - our responsibility to Stand with Israel. Just as color or scale play a key part in bringing a focal point to a room, we were “centered” on the point of the evening. Israel you are not alone! The center of interest for the evening was highlighted by the great blend and “mix” of distinguished GUESTS. The contrast and certainly the “pop” in the room brought music to my ears! The tone and special mix of speakers from distinguished Jewish and Christian communities highlighted the evening. The delightful contrasts balanced the tone of the evening. This is a sobering time. Our sound must be heard. Israel, never again will we not sing your song! The back of the program resounds this truth . “All the ends of the earth will see the salvation of our God.” Is:52:8,10
The final crescendo came as we each searched inside our souls. What part will we play? Will we just hear the music or will we write the score so others will join the song? This symphony released a new sound. The use of contrasts demonstrated what happens when two contrasting instruments play in harmony together. Bravo!